MCP-TY 大理石结晶粉 Marble Crystallizing Powder
特 点 Features 本产品适应于各种天然大理石翻新后的晶硬处理及定期养护,该产品使用方便,可迅速使大理石表面达到光亮如镜的效果,并增强石材表面的硬度及耐磨度。长时间使用,不会造成石材任何损坏,不影响石材透气性及不改变石材天然色泽,定期只需作简单的护理即可保持石材长期亮丽如新。 This product can be used for crystallizing processing and regular maintenance of various marble reconditioned. It is easy to use. It can make the marble surface bright and shining, and can enable the marble surface harder and more wearable. There will be no damage to the stone after long use. It will not influence the air conductivity of the stone and will not change the natural color and luster of the stone. Just a regular and simple maintenance will keep the stone as bright as new for a long period of time.
使用方法 How to use 1、 清除石材表面蜡层及污物。 2、 对石材已经磨损、表面凹凸不平或深度划横时,事先需将石材表面翻新打磨至平整光滑。 3、 将结晶粉加清水调成糊状后均匀涂于石材表面,并喷洒适量清水使石材保持湿润,然后用擦地机或专用结晶机配合白洁垫进行抛磨,(抛磨过程中至终保持地面湿润,切勿过干),每次工作区域大约在3~5平米左右。 4、 待处理的石材表面形成亮丽的晶面后,用刮水器将浆状物刮到下一个操作区域,并只需补加少量新的结晶粉继续抛磨,此抛磨方法重复至地面出现大量泡沫时用吸水机吸尽,然后重新加新的结晶粉按以上方法进行操作。 5、 当地面整个结晶操作完成后,用清水洗净并吸干。 1. Remove the wax layer and dirt on the stone surface. 2. If the stone has been worn, accidented or deeply lacerated, the stone surface shall be reconditioned and polished to be even and smooth in advance. 3. Mix the Crystallizing Powder with clear water. Then spread it on the stone surface, and spray a proper amount of clear water to keep the stone wet. Polish with a floor rubbing machine or special crystallizing machine together with a whitening cushion. (Always keep the floor wet during and never be too dry polishing. Each operation covers about 3~5 square meters. 4. After a bright crystallizing surface is seen on the stone surface, scrape the pastry substance to the next operating area with a wiper. Continue to polish by adding only a bit of new crystallizing powder. Repeat such polishing till a lot of bubbles are seen on the floor and absorb them with a water sampling machine. Then, add new crystallizing powder again and operate by using the foregoing method. 5. Clean the floor with clear water and dry the floor when the entire crystallizing operation is completed.