1、on the prohibition of anti-static floor when moving objects push objects directly on the floor, resulting in direct friction between the object and the floor, causing the plate surface scratches. Applications with a rubber tire trolley handling, or between the object and the flooring isolation pads to prevent damage to the floor surface. Place heavy objects on the floor should be smooth anti-static display, so as to avoid damage to the floor collapsed.
2、rinse with water when cleaning is prohibited, mops and rags to try to squeeze thousands, regular cleaning.
3、prohibiting hard, sharp squeeze, shock, scratches decorative surfaces, try replacing the soft-soled shoes when entering the venue, to avoid high-heeled shoes, hard-soled shoes after entering the venue, the destruction of anti-static performance and aesthetic level of the decorative surface; avoid the sun direct sunlight to avoid discoloration premature aging of the decorative surface.
4、do not suck the floor with a suction plate is moved halfway to avoid falling.
5、the lower floor space for equipment maintenance, the application of the floor suction plate is dismounted. When dismantling the floor gently to avoid damage, the impact of the use and appearance.
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