产品介绍:温包-液体温包 http://www.hengwenfa.com.cn/products.asp?sortID=180
温包 产品名称:液体温包(恒温阀温度动力单元) 产品编号:W-001 温度动力单元(温包)是恒温阀中的感温元件,也是一个充注特殊液体的执行器。当温度发生变化时,它会相应收缩和膨胀,从而推动阀门的开大或关小,达到自动控制温度的作用。本公司还设计开发远程传感和远程设定型的温度动力单元。
Product Name:Temperature thermostat valve power unit
Product No.:W-001 Temperature sensor unit is the part of the thermostaticvalvethat senses the temperature.It is the controllerfilling with special liquid.When the temperature change,it will be shrink or expand accordingly,and then push the valve turn on or off,carry out to control temperature automatically.Our
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