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发布时间:2015年4月25日   |   阅读次数: 613

石家庄环氧地坪漆_地坪漆价钱最实惠的施工厂家 石家庄环氧地坪漆,中科京工地坪漆价钱最实惠的北京施工厂家,供应北京、河北石家庄、山西、内蒙等地环氧地坪漆施工工程。在从业的10余年里,接触客户很多,其中不少是因为环氧地坪漆工程在施工也就大半年吧就损坏的很厉害,为重新翻修而苦恼,客户考虑的是环氧地坪漆工程二次施工的价格成本,作为我们从业者来讲说句实话,遇到这种翻修的工程,其实是很不愿意承接的,因为地坪施工难度太大,而对于业主来讲,翻修环氧地坪漆施工的价格肯定要高于第一次地坪施工的费用,其实要想杜绝这些情况的发生,还是有一些办法的: 1、涂料的配比、搅拌、熟化、涂装距离等严格产品仿单上的说明操纵。 2、填平凹陷处后,进行底层涂料的批刮。 3、施工现场的环境温度应高于5℃,相对湿度应小于85%。 4、修整底层涂料并涂刷中间层。修整中层涂料并涂面层涂料。 5、施工者应做好施工部位、时间、温度相对湿度,地坪表面处理程序、材料实耗的记实,以备查考。 6、批刮底层涂料前,对地坪表面显著凹陷处应先行填补。 7、涂料粘渡过高时,可加入昊盛专用稀释剂,但不宜超过10%。 8、涂层厚度的测定,可以湿膜测厚仪测定,或在现场放置样板,同时施工予以检测。 在不考虑地下水造成的返潮问题。如果未做环氧地坪漆施工的地面含水率偏高,可以用喷灯烘烤到含水率合格;如果未做地坪漆施工的地面有油污可以用先清洁剂清洗,假设油污已经完全渗透到水泥里面,则污染的水泥必须完全刨除,再重新做一个新的水泥整平层。 1, the coating of proportioning, mixing, curing, strict product such as coating distance FangChan instructions on the manipulation.After 2, filled cavity, to paint at the bottom of the batch. 3, the construction site of the ambient temperature shall be higher than 5 ℃, relative humidity should be less than 85%. 4, trim the bottom coating and coating layer. Finishing middle coating and overlay coating. 5, builders should do well the construction site, time, temperature, relative humidity, floor surface treatment procedures, material consumption record, for reference. 6, batch of scraping the bottom coating before, should first fill in floor surface significant depression. 7, coating glue through high, can join HaoCheng dedicated thinner, but not more than 10%. 8, coating thickness determination, determination of wet film thickness gauge, or placed at the scene model, construction shall be test at the same time. In the underground water pressure caused by moisture problem. If you do not do the water content of the ground floor paint construction on the high side, can use the torch bake to the moisture content of qualified; If you do not do the ground floor paint construction with oil can use detergent to clean first, assuming that the oil has been completely to infiltrate the cement, the pollution of the cement must be completely stripped out, to do a new concrete leveling layer. 中科京工(北京)科技发展有限公司专业从事环氧地坪漆生产、销售、施工10余年,承接北京、河北石家庄、山西、内蒙等地环氧地坪漆工程,拥有专业的施工队伍,经验丰富,杜绝环氧地坪漆工程二次施工给您带来的烦恼,品质保证,价格最实惠厂家!

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