欢迎访问中科奥洁石材护理! 店铺星级: ★★★☆☆
Granite Brightening Agent
特 点
This product is made from multiple sorts of imported raw materials with unique formula. It has been repeated applied on the surface of various granite stones. It is an uncommon high-performance product crystallizing the stone surface. It can be used for the crystallization processing of surface of all kinds of granite. It is easy to use and produces distinct effect. It can rapidly resume the natural color, luster and brightness of the granite.
How to use
1、 清理干净石材表面污渍、腊层,并确保石材表面平整、光滑,若石材表面有划道或凹凸不平时,视磨损程度选用不同目数的翻新磨片打磨至石材表面平整、光滑;
2、 清洗或翻新后石材,待表面干燥。(对吸水性高的石材翻新或清洁前可涂抹快干型防护剂)
3、 该产品使用前须摇匀,然后用喷壶喷于石材表面(每次操作面积大约3至5平米);
4、 将0号或1号钢丝棉盘于白洁抛光垫上,放置于晶面机的针盘下,匀速地抛磨。
5、 根据石材状况不同,需进行2至4次的反复操作,即可达到理想的效果。
1. Clean the blot and wax layer on the stone surface, and ensure that the stone surface is even and smooth. If the stone surface has been accidented or lacerated, polish the stone surface by using a reconditioning grinding disc with a proper number of eyes till it is even and smooth;
2. Clean or recondition the stone till the surface is dry.(Spread fast-dry protective agent before reconditioning or cleaning stones that are highly water absorbing).
3. Shake up it before using. Then spray it on the stone surface with a sprinkling can.(Each operation covers about 3 to 5 square meters);
4. Set the steel wool 0# or 1# on the whitening and polishing cushion. Place it under the needle tray of the surface crystallizing machine, and polish evenly;
5. The operation may be repeated 2 to 4 times according to the different conditions of the stone to produce an ideal effect.
Volume of application
Initially, a kilogram of the product can be used for polishing of 60 square meters of stone. For regular maintenance, a kilogram of the product can be used for polishing of some 100 square meters of stone.
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